It's us against the world - how i wish to say those words, i wanna say them, wanna hold you and whisper it in your ear, kiss you and tell you: it's us against the world.
Only one person said it to me once, i was just a kid, but i will never forget the feeling. say it to me again, make me complete, make me whole.
it's us against the world. it will always be.
right now it's just me against the world.
attempts and good intentions, what do they help me in the end? hey the end never came so ok they did actually help im just searching out the drama.
eerie voices, children's laughter, remixes. ambient.
what makes the clock tick.
figure out the little bits and the ghosts will fall into place.
where they belong.
did i tell you about the waterfall? the red lamp? and the tiger?
well the little death you see can constitute anything, as long as it is achieved.
the vivid dreams im having lately are really freaking me out because i find myself changing reality for dream and dream for reality. there are no boundaries, almost.
play with me please. i do love to play.
no other place.
that i rather be. in tokyo.
knocking on the window, smokin up. you're playin. got bitchas behind me. mf wuts guud. backseat, knock u out.
shake it baby, see it with the flow, shake it like u aint a hoe.
is popularity your quest? answer me.
more plastic. funny man, rockin like yeh
see with the flow
colours blurring into eachother, eyes going crossed
then step it up, the decadence and the late nights, the neglect and the music, the music and the music. music is the sea i swim in.
let it all carry you away, get lost in my eyes. lost in eyes.
fading the same way.
to sing when you die, who's turn to burn, everyone deserves the flames.
got my time slipping nice on a sliding scale, the maths in a corner, french in the other, merde.
this world as it changes. we are young but we don't belong. see the children in the rain...
we wave this flag of hatred, see the world we can create, if we wanted to. if we changed...
walk among the shadows in a street that's like a battle, the spark in all the hearts, all walk alone, all we ever wanted was a place to call our home
march to the drums, watching waste burn in the sun, we will fight or we will fall, til it's all too late, til time no longer has mercy
but what will happen? will we change this place? will we help eachother stand on both two feet? will we carry the weak and nourish the starved?
will we place love in every lonely heart?
The autumn effect - the thoughts start to swirl and the time slips away.
a chocolate bar for every heartache. two sides of the medallion - one was a girl and the other a boy. classic aint it, but i wasnt involved, just a spectator
so this time it's easier with advice. how can i help, tell me how i can heal.
touch such as touches you, and then i mean really touches you. no matter who has you for the moment
the moment change, and the next moment it's gone.
and that other moment is far far away and you might not even remember what it felt like.
it's not closeness.
there's always half-life, when you're not aware, when you let the day slip away without having said or done what you wanted.
like when you just wanna crawl under a big blanket and disappear. the loner theory.
- ive always been lonely and always will be. so why try to change anything. dont have to affect anything.
i dont know if i abandoned it yet. and im sorry for the incomprehensibility.
seasons to cycles. follow our dreams, slightly out of reach. building walls for someone to climb, whoever's got the effort
the emptiness is just a pastime, i promise, we're not pretending, we're just pretending to be pretending, this really means something however fake it might seem from time to time
stop fretting so much, enjoy the ride while it lasts. not much left, soon ib will be out and most people will never see eachother ever again.
just think of it, scattered to different continents. im guessing i'll be thinking then, damn why didnt i make better use of the time i had back then.
vitamin c - friends forever. if there's a war, i'll be fighting by your sides.
i will be your armor and take all your bullets. the only place for me.
if the sun shuts down, i will still have you. at least for a few seconds until all the world has collapsed, disappeared, smothered itself.
lost at sea, still not alone.
lonely but not alone. if theres a wall, please climb it. run, shake, scream, fight, scream aim fire, fight. stronger.
never gonna stop.
You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen when your heart's not open
You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret
You're frozen when your heart's not open
Love is a bird, she needs to fly
Let all the hurt inside you die
You're frozen when your heart's not open
(Madonna - Frozen)