This is the last time to get it right...
It's now or never!
Ibland är kräkputtinuttigt helt rätt. Som i helgen. Söta små emokillar som man kan manipulera att kyssa varandra, söta fjortisar som gör staden osäker (blondes in black), McFlurry med Ahlgrens-bilar-smak, söta klänningar, söt alkohol (mint och polkagris), Singstar, gulligull-häst och galopperade. Och sist men inte minst: High School Musical 3. Ja, jag har haft en jävligt underbar helg! Tack vare mina tre favoritfjortisar: Stina, Madde och Antonia.
Bara faktumet att jag skriver på svenska och nämner namn visar hur underbart jag haft det. I never do that usually. Svenska är sanningens språk för mig, och kommer alltid vara det. Säger jag "I love you" betyder det aldrig lika mycket som "Jag älskar dig".
I'm a hardcore person with a softcore inside. But the softcore is a secret, so you guys have to pretend you don't know about it. Those who know me, know I'm a hopeless romantic, and dream as much as anyone about the perfect guy and the perfect ending. Dream all those kräkputtinuttiga dreams all you other hopeless romantics out there do. Like the new high school musical movie. I found myself digging it, and laughing and getting teary-eyed at all the right places, and still I had to fight it. But yes, even though the movie really sucks ass (movie-wise), I absolutely adore it! I'm sorry all you stuck-up film critics out there (who only gave it 1 out of 5 possible), you gotta loosen up sometimes and for once just let yourselves be swept away by the romantic tide. Kräkputtinuttigt eller inte, let yourselves feel the love.
It also got me thinking about "the end". We are in the same position in life as the people in the movie. "high school" is soon over. applying for univeristies, dispersing all over the world. And it got me thinking, I want to hold a speech. I've been thinking about this speech before, it's gonna be just for our class. And in that speech I'm gonna pinpoint highlights and jokes and little perks about each and every person, like "remember that time..." and "in Berlin..." and "ken always says..." etc. And I'm gonna show you guys, just how awesome you are. Even though we haven't been very good as a class, I'm hoping that's changing now that the end is soon coming, and I somewhat feel it is. This speech is gonna be the most sentimental thing ever, and it will make you all cry that we are leaving eachother.
All lights out, the stars will guide us through our darkest timesNow I realize, I'd give anything I have
Belive in yourself and
Live your dreams, life's waiting for you,
to walk a day in my old shoes.
Wondering what my first smoke would be like,
my first fuck, my next fuck up.
{Or} the next band that would change my life
and it changed my life
and it changed my life.
The tingling feeling is not enough for me. I'm waiting for the ground-shattering love you only find in fiction; the never-ending, the all-consuming. The one you will love until-death-do-us-part, the one when you can feel the universe is made solely for the two of you, when one touch or a single gaze send ripples of energy through your entire being.
Each month turns into a journey. Interaction shaping what I become, opening up or closing down, bad days and good days. All those colours. Watching as the raindrops slide sideways on the window, changing course. You can't tell the raindrops what to be - they are raindrops.
I also finished Eragon, and wrote an inspired piece about an elven lady all alone in the deepest of mystical woods, but didn't have heart to post it. So this post will all be in honour of romance. And I'm glad to say, nowadays my chemical romance is not my only romance. Find happiness in so many places. We just need to realise we do, so we can stop being miserable. Waiting doesn't have to be bad, it can be an adventure too. Like living - the greatest adventure of all.