It's ok to feel ok. Tired as fuck but downloading new music. This post is nothing interesting so you can stop reading now. Just the lyrics of my three favorite songs at the moment.
Just wanna go out traveling again. Kinda amazing when I think of where I've been this year - London, Tokyo, Paris and Berlin. Like the major metropolitan's of the world. I could travel all year round, cuz as soon as I get back home I just wanna travel away again...
We are more than just useless stupid kids, as we sing along at the top of our lungs. We are gonna make sense in the future even if we don't right now. Future is scaring me, I'm losing ground, not sure anymore what I wanna do. Know where I wanna go so guess I'll just start there.
Asking for truth. Brutal honesty. Words for wear my friend, strip it all off. Sneaking suspicions.
Was I trying too hard again? Cause the response wasn't good, i have no idea were i got you. or you for that matter. or you. can't place you. the excuse is chemicals i guess. the thing that would bring us together. but it's weird. many things are weird these days.
New music in all honor, I'm gonna go read now.
CSS - Music is my hot hot sex
From all the drugs the one i like more is music
From all the junks the one i need more is music
From all the boys the one i take home is music
From all the ladies the one i kiss is music (muah!)
Music is my boyfriend
Music is my girlfriend
Music is my dead end
Music is my imaginary friend
Music is my brother
Music is my great-grand-daughter
Music is my sister
Music is my favorite mistress
The Classic Crime - 5805
Friends, I will keep you like trophies in my heart
to remember how loneliness was a faded dream on 219th Street.
We were more than just young, we were full of it,
and no one could touch us or take us in
Watching the sunset from the roof we'd plan our next adventure
I was 19 and young, thought i had it all figured out
The world was our oyster and we dove in to get the pearl out
Now we are swimming in memories,
how we wish we could go back
We hold the hope that someday
we'll see the world again like that
I've got a sneaking suspicion that
hindsight only favors good vision
But I'm not one to complain when it's all I dream of
We were more than just useless stupid kids
The music it moved us, we shook our fists
as we sang along at the top of our lungs
The Classic Crime - God and drugs
I scrape the glass for crumbs and ask the mirror for some truth.
I loaded my body with chemicals, it was no use.
Cause retribution's coming for the years of this abuse,
And I can't get away and still I can't get close enough to You.
You won't go away,
But every hit is just a taste.
Something scares me in this place.
I self destruct for days.