
She sheds her skin like a snake

On the dirty to road to fame, dirty road to fame. You'll have to make out for yourselves who it is I am talking about. Come to think of it, it can be many persons.

We swallow our ideals in the face of duty. Literally. It's odd business growing up and getting to know yourself.

A person's room is a reflection of their personality.At least that's what I think. And I love my beautiful sanctuary of a room. Everything out there is sort of a reflection of self, since it is our ideas we see when we look at things.

All the words I write I forget in an instant. The memories and feelings are harder to forget. And it's hard to reach some people. They're just closed, or maybe they don't know how to connect. Maybe their mind tentacles got burned and withdrew or maybe they never learned or maybe they just don't feel like connecting.

This is going to sound smug, but I'm a fucking nice person! Haha. And the bad sides I have occasionally come from insecurities. When I'm nervous or anxious to please, I misbehave or become really obnoxious. It's interesting isn't it.

Right now there's a person in my head that maybe shouldn't be there. It's not the usual unhealthy obsession. He's just really fascinating. He radiates a positive energy that draws me in. And I'm curious. I want to know who he is behind that gorgeous smile. It makes me sad to think that maybe he doesn't want to let me in, doesn't want me to see him. Some people you are just drawn to like a magnet. It's hard to even say what it is you're drawn tom until you're there again, with a person in your mind.

There is something really beautiful in really seeing someone. But it's hard because we are so good at hiding. What is a true heart ache? Because it feels like I am forgetting. I feel that I have so much to give. But who to give it to?