Akira. Tekkon Kinkreet. Paprika. Spirited Away. Mononoke Hime. 5cm per second. Totoro. The top animes that I will always love and adore. The dreams. The country they make me ache with longing for. Think what beautiful scenery and authentic environments can do to you huh. Anyway, the ICU application will be sent in tomorrow and then, one can only hope.
Sisterhood of the traveling pants. Yes I know, cheezy etc but still. Skipping two classes just to see that movie, hell yeah it was worth it. I almost cried again. And it was actually a really nice movie. Cute. And sentimental. And cheezy. True love and all that. It's nice to look at, but it's hard to believe there is such a thing in real life. Anyway, I don't want to go around and believe it because I would only get miserable. More miserable. I used to believe in it: I was a princess once upon a time believe it or not. But then things happened. Like reality. And it was different.
And one line struck me as odd: "guys don't worry about relationships". Don't they? I sure as hell hope they do. I know some don't. But that are just the retarded guys.
And also, so much drama going on in their lives. Maybe it's an American thing, but there hasn't been much drama around here for ages. Isn't that a good thing? Well, debatable. Drama makes life interesting, and show you sides of people you thought you knew. Drama is fun when it can be handled rationally, like talk about it, or work it out somehow.
And also, graduation soon! It's actually really soon. And then what. Off to everywhere and life and scary things and more scary things and I don't know and...
And finally, it got me thinking about everything you go through as you move through life. It is really incredible, everything we carry around inside us. Really incredible.