Found a song on vampirefreaks.com that has become my new obsession. With eyes wide shut by blessthefall. A truly amazing band. their lyrics arent brilliant but their music is. the emotion it evokes, the despair and the anger.
when nothing is in it's right place, and the puddle of red on the sink, suspiciously similar to blood, catches your eye as the dramatic sunlight through heavy dark clouds is reflected in it. and you cant think. the slow process sluggish and overwhelming. irrational thoughts and sentimentality the only thing occupying your brain cells. trying to figure out a way to merge the beauty of living in the now with the efficiency of living as a robot, calculating everything, every minute spent in a productive way, working for a goal.
how i lived without you all these years.
takes two to tango.
and i cant do it on my own. im drowning here and you couldnt care less could you. how you used to save me. and now you dont even let me in.
whats the sound of the world outside? the crunching noises. man devouring man. have a little poet.
the satisfaction of satisfying a craving.
i could eat you up.
by the sea.
washing hurting ankles, face down in the sand, sandcolored lashes
lift me up, tied to the others
ties hurt, and not in a pleasant way like bondage.
victorian music, the irony and the darkness
i know im not there to hold you
but we look at the same sky every night
make someone happy
can't live on pills for a lifetime, there comes a point when you have to admit who you really are and make up for the mistakes you made. accept who you are. face the greatest fear of all, that is yourself.
greet us in our dreams tonight
and make someone happy
pages smudged by make-up falling off
the stench and the rot revealed, growing stronger by the minute
the last standing line
something's just about to break
For alting forsvinder rundt om mig, blir til minder
Jeg ville ta din hånd - livet kommer aldrig tilbage
Wake all the children from their slumber,
Before they wonder why their dreams have gone to hell.
Wake all the children from their sleep.
Down the staircase we shall creep,
To the basement of this white picket home.
Let's show them where the bad ones go.
For all they know, for all they know,
Their heroes are still untouchable.
What they don't know, what they don't know.
All the preachers and the ministers
Administer those sinister looks.
They teach from a liars cherub
A pulpit mounted on a child's prayer.
(envy on the coast)
Er graesset gronnere
På den anden side, tag derhen hvis der er noget du vil vide
For mange drommer
Uden der sker noget, og når ikk at hoppe på toget for det er gået
La de andre om at stresse rundt, passer mig selv så jeg kan passe på min kunst
Pakker mine ting og går som en vinder, forsvinder ud af dren inden det for sent