playing the game now, coldness in my veins again
spinning out of balance with the world, one step ahead or two steps back
never on the same level. never in harmony
the vampire songs in my head and the ice in that gaze
the enclosed prison in a virus-infected body, nose running
and never ending
play the rhymes right or look like a moron
a syllable trapped in honey
does no good on the tongue
watch the iconic pictures as they come to rest, nestling in the irony
derisive laughter and crumpled paper napkins
tick the box for who dies a hundred times a day
or enter the literary quiz and loose
follow the hand and grope for a fellow
take in the violin melody and loose a memory
sometimes good enough isn't good enough
but you will know when it's time to stop
the play and the game and the illusions
i'll also show you a sweet dream next night...
あなた 硝子の眼で
the wish carried upon the sunrise clouds
to the land of clichéd waiting
as sugar cubes dissolve in water
it will make the perfect icing
make it pink
and yellow and cutishly purple
with babyblue roses to cover the imperfections
missed a call and missed the meaning
can i help what i fool myself to say
can i help resenting reality
whispers tickling soft nude nape
incomprehensible yet full of warmth
the breath of life
to show you another side
overwhelming white in the kitchen
yet red pierces through in the bedroom
lullabies trickling like rose water sprinkles
or tears soaking the silken bedsheets
kirei ne
the chess pieces moving with intention
like we think we do
the rose petals falling with direction
like we never do
a map laid out for everything in time and place
yet the schedule changes as the tides
as the moon which reveals it's true face only once a month
who is that shadow who walks with the shadowed face?
what are the intentions
of setting up a game plan in accordance with the map?