the way you can save someone just by being there, in their life. saying hi, or just a simple smile. reaching out. how many doesn't go around alone, waiting to make that connection. but it never happens, you know.
read some old posts. does it even matter? how hard we try to make a difference when we really never do. looking over stuff gives me crazy urges to change. change hair, clothes, way i think, talk, everything. become something else. for a moment. a passing fad. then change into something else. change is what maintain us. what will i be today? feel like hijacking my sister's camera, i definitely need some updated photos for various internet profiles. like facebook and myspace. gosh im so vain.
want to do this amazing gothlol photoshoot. in that weird emo store where they have a sweeny todd chair. and a changing room that looks like a coffin. talked about it before, that i wanna dress up all gothy and go in there and ask if i can take some pictures. such a long time ago.
red lips or pale nude? Some time ago I ventured away from the emo/newrave/harajuku and more into black/white/tailored/Pete Doherty (think gossip girl, white t with black minivest, black skinny jeans, school girl skirts, tailored jacket). today i changed shoes four times. feeling like carrie bradshaw, only my shoes doesn't cost a fortune. cleaning out papers and sorting into folders today. tonight, im cleaning out my closet. discarding clothes that i no longer use.
She found you on MySpace today
Sent a message wondering if you were okey
When she listened to the harmonies
Something behind her heart wanted to keep what´s left of you
She waited for hours and than,
You replied with a short ”this is the end”
No tears were running until
Something behind her heart wanted to kill what´s left of you
Though she´s dreamin of you, and maybe
Mattis and Maia go travelling again
Maybe to another state or maybe to Japan
It might be warmer there, it might be *prettier*,
It might be easier, *definitely* quieter
Somewhere else
(Maia Hirasawa)