We are islands of perception. In every thought and experience, every sensation, insight and fancy, we are alone. Sure, we can pool information about experiences together, but never the experiences themselves. There is mutual empathy, but we just relate to ourselves, we are not actually feeling what that other person is feeling. But for the most part, communication between universes is close to inexistent. The mind inhabits its own space. And these spaces are different from person to person. Compare an ordinary person to a genius or to a madman.
The Doors of Perception.
How a mescalin trip can make you understand so much.
Yes, I can't lie and say I don't want to try it.
Change perspectives.
See yourself as others see you. See others as they see themselves.
Fascinated by a crease in the fabric.
See the world as the artist sees it.
The colours, the textures, the shape.
The connection to everything.
EVen to yourself.
It's a place that doesn't exist anywhere else.
Travelling has always fascsinated me, whether it's in the mind or irl doesn't really matter as long as new insights are brought along.
we move. from one place to the next. in less than 24hrs i will be back where i came from an hour ago. so why didnt i stay there, because i have another place to be at the hours inbetween.
so we move. back and forth. hithero and tithero.
human motion has always fascinated me.
that's another thing.
loosing perception of time and space. or not loosing it really, just realising its irrelevance.
The isness is enough.
so put on that silvermask and swallow your pill.
alice has now come to videoland and she's psychosocial with rainbow veins. and do it inded det er for sent.