
The animatrix

Amazing animations in the animatrix. If I was a computer wiz, that's what I would have worked with... but maybe I can write and draw storyboards instead. That would work too. Although right now I only feel like writing a hp spinoff about the four founders of Hogwarts as teenagers. That would be cool. Robin Hood-ish. Beautiful minds.

And I found out someone has been telling dirt and someone does not contact me and someone is avoiding me and shit omg maybe I behaved badly again. What do people expect of me. I am not an angel and nobody is perfect. And just because of that more people are wrinkling their noses. Jeez. And then that thing where he said no and once again I stood rejected. And now I will soon turn off my cell phone and pretend that none of these tiresome drama people exist. Why is it so hard to just be peaceful? Why is everything blown out of proportions? Why am I mistrusted. People assume I am a drunkard and a looser that can't improve. Let me tell you, that last time I puked was because I was SICK not because I had too much alcohol. Excuse me for entertaining a virus in my body. And then later, I was just EXHAUSTED, not passing out from too much smoke. Excuse me for taking myself out on my graduation. But interpret as you wish, and keep spreading that sensational dirt, I bet your lives get much more interesting when I'm around to provide gossip material. Cheers.

It's not a sign, I know a sign when I see one, and I also know my bad sides. I know what I would like to improve and I am working towards that. More than some people maybe think. Some people only see the bad dreams, and judge by the nightmare figments. They are not awake from the matrix. You can be a victim, or anything else you'd like to be. But they don't understand that.

Real friends emerge from the mist. Am I alone? Is it strange that I mistrust everyone? The answer is simple and the answer is: no.