
Fuck y'all suckers!

It is over. For real. The euphoria of finishing is gone, replaced by the sadness, that these people will not be in my life anymore. That I am moving on, from these things to other things, to unknowns. I will miss it. The classes, the teachers, the people. All of the people, even the ones I thought I hated. Think that we have wasted so much of our time hating. I want to keep in touch with more people than I know I am going to, people that will not keep in touch with me. Exactly like it was 2 years ago, when I wanted to get to know people, people who did not want me as a friend. I guess this is the dilemma that will haunt me forever. That I want so much more than other people. That I feel so much more than other people, and the feelings are not returned. A wise person said “you are a 'love-or-hate' kinda person”, and that is a very true statement. I just hope most people out there choose love, instead of hate.

Fuck. This. Shit. Yes, I am crying if you were wondering. If this was in PDP or IB1, I would now go on to say how I am done with feelings, how I'm closing up shop and “fuck y'all suckers”. But I'm not. I can afford to be vulnerable. There is nothing more beautiful than an open heart. And my heart is as of now, wide open. I will miss everyone, I will want to keep in touch with everyone. I don't care if “everyone” don't want to stay in touch with me, it doesn't matter. My door, and my heart, is always open for them anyway.

Graduation tomorrow, goodbye my lovers, goodbye my friends, you have been the ones, you have been the ones for me...