
Split yourself in seven

Miriam åker till Canada imorgon. Jag vill också. Fem långa veckor kommer hon tillbringa där, och fatta hur mycket jag kommer sakna henne! Vi som skulle på festivaler i sommar tillsammans, leka och busa och göra Malmö osäkert (Ystad skiter vi i). Säga avsked tidigt tidigt imorgon, jag kommer gråta. Men hon kommer ha det underbart...

Here I am with a cup of tea, can barely speak, coughing my lungs out. Had to skip work both yesterday and today and the guilt is eating away at me. I feel like a really terrible person. I hope I can make that up by taking almost all the shifts this coming week. I hope I am better tomorrow.

Dagen spenderades i febrig halv-koma. Sedan har jag bara läst Harry Potter, spelat Harry Potter och skrivit om Harry Potter. Det är mysigt det.

Ignore that person: never tells me stuff anyway, my leak of information is over, has to find it someplace else. And that other one really should get a spoonful of its own medication, a spoonful of how annoying some comments are. And then someone who will not miss me at all, why bother trying to make contanct then, I am drifting away into the shadows, lets see if someone notices. Work on Midsummer, hope you guys can come up with enough drama without me to make it interesting enough. Bye bye.