Best of 08:
- Beginning of the year with Kudds. Coziest ever. And also got a friend for life.
- London – SUM 41 concert, Camden Market, Topshop, walking around, shopping, Sweeney Todd-style clothes, punk-sisters, The Phantom at the Opera, Cornish Pasties, Devon scones, Marks&Spencers, Underground (Mind the gap!), Harrod's, Tea
- Tokyo – the place, the people, the culture, the sense of coming home, karaoke in Shibuya, hanging with G, shopping, Harajuku, clothes, sushi, onsen, parks, Japanese, temples, living in the place of my dreams, technology, anime, milk-tea, traditions, gardens, warm sake
- All the crazy stuff me and Stina always do, waterpipe in the middle of the night, acting like three-year olds (remember playing with mud in the sea? Sitting laughing at a stone for no reason at all?) Decreasing in age with every drink, flirting like mad – killing those poor boys' hearts
- Paris – getting to know a wonderfully amazing person (jerleperle), wine, strange dinners picnic-style, walking around seeing things, French, pastries, randomness, hungover in the Catacombs, the Eiffel Tower, thunderstorm from nowhere
- My birthday. Both the day at Tivoli and the crazy party the day after
- Hultsfred – crazyness, summer heat, drunkness, hilarious moments, endless love everywhere, tents, wild partying, “we'll all stay skinny cuz we just wont eat”, concerts, mosh, hot people, making out, random conversations, stina went religious, cows and “need weed”, cheerios and art on hats, baconöl och balla grannar, I'm Yours and Drunken Lullabies
- Summer job – earning money and feeling good about myself
- Berlin – finally getting to know people better. New friends. Beer.
- Twilight – yes it's like a major thing, after HP and LotR it looked like nothing would ever be as great a smash hit. But this one kinda was.
- Music - musicwise this has been an incredible year. Really developed a refined taste, understanding and depth.
Happy to leave behind:
- Feelings for assholes
- Heart brokenness
- Bad moments like the whole of january and midsummer
- Terrible hangovers
- False friends
- Insecurities (well, a little bit of them)
- Caring about what other people think/say
"If you are bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things — you don’t have enough goals." — Lou Holtz
I have no idea who that person is, but it seems kinda plausible doesn't it. SO. What should happen in 2009:
- Laughter, magic and adventures!
- Impulsive crazy random stuff
- Start working out again. Swimming!
- Go to more concerts and festivals
- Be more positive and actually DO things
- Travel as much as possible
- Work. Earn money.
- Fall in love
- Try at least one kind of psychedelic drug
- Learn how to do smoke rings
- Start writing on a novel
- Cook more, draw more, find outlets for all the creativeness
- Start carrying around hand lotion in my schoolbag
- Oh yeah... almost forgot... get 38 or higher on my EXAMS
- Get in to University (preferably in Japan)
"Having something like this written in your diary is a great way to remind yourself of who you are, who you want to be, & where you want to go. You can refer to it whenever you’re feeling a bit lost. Think of it as a beautiful road-map for the year."
How do you want to look 2009?
- Black, white, classy vs rock chic, belts, band t-shirts
- Slim jeans or tights (thin legs) + oversize cardigans + high heels (think “kurasu” - Rei Kawakubo)
- Preppy. Men's waist-jacket, prep shirt, pointy shoes (English gentleman vs Gossip Girl-ish)
- I thought of getting baggy jeans and trying out hiphop-ish, but I think I'll stick to weird hoodies and the occasional cap.
(This in contrast to my fashion statement the spring 08 when I was headed for nu-rave, scene queen and crunk!).
"Decide to do something in 2009 that terrifies you. Like hip-hop karaoke in front of an audience, telling someone how much you really like them, or sky-diving. Give yourself a deadline & make it happen!"
- I'd love to do anything terrifying. Terrifying is wonderful. Anytime. The adrenalin rush is like nothing else. Bungee jump, sky-dive, diving certificate...
"Come up with some new words to work into your vocabulary next year."
- "Such a papaya moment" (when something went awfully wrong). Something is "rad" - something is beyond cool. Everything funny Stina is going to say! "Bläckvard" - for all party-poopers out there. Generally all Sponge bob terms. "Miau?" - when words fail. "Swoon" - because it's fun. "Chillax" - because it's cool.
It's a little scary going in to a new year because it holds so many uncertainties. I have no idea what is going to happen, but it will be interesting.
Remember that 2009 will be what you make it. Set your intentions now & fall in love with the idea that it will be marvelous!
Ideas and quotes from: