
Born For This

UppCon - Day 1.
Ok, doughing at home for like forever. Styling, selecting outfit, listening to music. Then deciding to go in since my sis and Micci already were there. At about 1600 we were there, still a queue outside even if they opened like 1200! Amazing. Munching candy in the que, checking out the supercool people everywhere, complaining about the cold, then finally we get in and get our wristbands. Walk around the place, and I'm telling you, it was fucking awesome!! Such a nice place, so cool, an interior of black, red and glass. Futuristic. Fucking red carpet escalators for three floors. And crammed with ubercool geeks dressed like something taken straight from Takeshita Dori in Harajuku, Tokyo. Some japanese dude from the Japanese embassy in Stockholm were there on the opening ceremony, and he actually said that - "It feels like I am in Tokyo, and it's so amazing seeing all these young people dressed like Japanese teenagers, like people from Harajuku in Tokyo. It feels like I'm in the middle of Tokyo." Everyone cheered like hell, that was the best compliment they could ever have gotten. But before the ceremony we played cards, and Micci and I tried to get hugs from the free hugs people but we chose a bad moment since they had apparently met someone they knew and were there talking with them. And we stood there like morons, it looked like we were cchecking them out or something. We felt really stupid. I love that girl btw!! So amazingly funny!! Love her!! We also played DoA, fucking rocks. But I got kinda owned (although i pwned later when we had a spontaneous DoA tournament with some pro's we met. The thing is, me and Kudds can't really play, we just rape the controls, these guys actually knew the commands, and even so, I won alot! Funnyfun!!) . Then opening ceremony, and right after, Machine Supremacy. Fucking awesome band!! I loved them, although it was superlame sitting down on a concert (couldn't stand, it was like a theater). Headbanged and was so speeded on Burn that I jumped up and down in my seat and shook like a maniac. Hyper as hell. I went around the place with my cool new Wayfarers that I bought at T-shirt store in Stockholm, soooo hot! In a place that crowded, it felt really good having those to hide behind, felt like I had a little more privacy. Stockholm was great btw, love that city! And missed it like hell! I know the whole fucking place inside-out which is really great cause you can just take spontaneous walks and know where all the good places are. Read the Nöjesguide; so many cool bars I wanna go to! Like rock bar Sin City. Ok, back to UppCon - So many hot guys there! Omg. Emo-invasion, love it. Watched a Lolita-fashion show, but it wasn't anything special. The speedmeeting was too crammed to get in, which sucked ass because we were so pepp to meet people. So we went home, kinda satiated with the day. Five energy drinks, one coke and one jolt coke in the stomach and no food. Hyper! Love it, it's festival-feeling. Although on festivals it's booze you drink. Now we're gonna drink champagne and watch movies all night, this is beyond well-being, I could do this all my life, festivals and convents!!

Something that bothers me terribly is this:

WHY CAN'T A GIRL AND A BOY JUST BE FRIENDS? WHAT ARE YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM YOU FUCKING RETARDS, THERE'S IS NOTHING BETWEEN US! NOTHING! WE ARE JUST REALLY GOOD FRIENDS. Everyone thought we were a couple, everyone of Kudds friends, even his parents, think we are. Come on guys! Then Kudds said that: "well it's not very usual that a girl and a boy is just good friends", I countered with "Well for me it is!" and he goes "well you're different". I get that comment alot, and I love it!