Alltså jevla fiskrövs-drickande busshelvetes-chaufför! Ser jag inte ut att va sexton va? En såndär söt liten sak? Inte? Well fuck you too fucking fiskrövs-chaufför! Go home and make sweet love to your obese wife!
Saw two really good movies today. The day the earht stood still, containing a lot of thought food, and a lot of wisdom. And I even cried in one scene, where the little boy is sitting by his fathers grave. And it made me think of what I came to realize last year; that fear provoking fear is the basis of all conflicts. Escalating into war. And how pointless violence is. That was one of the main points with the movie too. Since violence didn't help them get anywhere. It was the other side of humanity, the gentle, compassionate side that saved them from annihilation. It made me really sad, since it reminded me of how destructive we all are. Even if some are not aware of it. And how watching a movie doesn't change anything. We walk out of the theater, back to normal life, and the movie is just something that remains with us, and if it was good, we might think of it from time to time. A movie doesn't change anything. Because humans are unwilling to change. Not until we are on the brink of destruction will we change. Or die.
The other movie: Mirrors. Best horror I have seen in a long while. Actually since I saw 28 weeks later. This one was really thought provoking too, but not in the same "global issue, humanity is bad" way. Rather: is there something looking back at us from the mirrors? And that the fucking mirrors are everywhere. Reflections are everywhere. And if something is looking back at us, they are watching all the time. Can tell you I wont be able to look into a mirror consciously for a long time now... Because it feels like the mirror, or something behind it, is intelligent, is looking back at me. Also I kept wondering, if the movie had something to do with vanity. Our compulsive behavior of always checking if everything is the right with the way we look as soon as we pass by a mirror. Since something behind the mirrors kept hurting the ones on the other side... And since the ending was fucking great! "God dammit!"
And Jack Bauer's voice is really nice. He isn't really Jack Bauer but he's good. And there is only one word for Muse's music - orgasmic. My plug-in baby, crucifies my enemies... UppCon med Kudds idag - yes!! Såna blogghoror vi är, bara sitter här och uppdaterar hela tiden!! Fyfan vad jag är glad att jag är här, SPÅRAT asså! Och ska på nån mysko fest på lördag. Mysko. Hejdå mina små fiskar!