I woke up feeling really up. The day proceeded in suppressed craziness. It was a typical Nis mood day. I needed someone to be utterly silly with, just jump around, shout, bite eachother in the arm, throw ourselves on eachother, fight, laugh our asses off, scare the hell out of old people, eating ice cream in the middle of winter, go shopping and trying on silly things, talk silly, invent new words, joke around. For the first time in a really long time I actually felt the missing of mentioned person. Other things also reminded me of him, like the bottle opener in the form of a penis. Just such a Nis artifact.
Beers at Ariman. Deep discussions with Wellington. And a tradition in making. As former mentioned said “det finns inget mer belevat eller trevligt sätt att umgås än över ett glas öl”. Or something like that. Anyway, I had a really good time and I'm glad I've found a new friend.
Later, since I had three and a half beers in my system, “what a waste if I just go home”, I joined Soph on her “going out in Malmö” mission. Three tequila shots, one Corona beer, one un-named drink, one huge Sex-on-the-beach drink, and one or two Jack Daniels shots later (for my part at least), we were on our way to KB to meet up with some people who were there. The music was so great! They played Helena by MCR!!! On a club night!! Guess how ecstatic I got. All in all, I had a very nice evening/night. Except for the violent hiccups when I got home, and falling asleep way too drunk, waking up dizzy. And except the realization how fucking horny I get when I'm drunk. And how mad I get when that horniness isn't satiated. Well, nothing new, I know this, but still.
Hungry for cheese, salt and bubbly soda. Yes please give me a grilled double cheese+salami sandwich with fries and garlic dip and a coke. And a big caffe latte.
Now I am studying, trying to write an essay about Japan in WWII for my history internal, still trying to avoid the fucking ToK essay. One essay, then I never have to think about it again. In theory.
All the discussions give me hope. People who manage to scare away my numb darkness. Also, I finally have bk coupons! WOHO SWEETNESS!