We went up early since the closing ceremony would be at 1330 and we wanted good seats. So we were there 1200. Without breakfast. Queued. KöCon. The closing ceremony would have sucked if it wasn't for J, the cute host who kept making lame cute jokes. Like "ja, om jag hade suttit på en stol hade jag också blivit avblåst nu". Then KöCon again to get to the escalators. It felt really sad that we had to leave and that it was over. Especially since right now we're listening to fucking Hallelujah by Rufus. So many great memories. Anyway, after a quick escalator ride we were outside, walking away, looking over our shoulders and almost crying a little (I'm spicing it up a little, wasn't really like that). We went to BK and ate, fuck that felt good since I hadn't eaten all day, and I went up at 1000 and then it was like 1500. Then Micci and Zaz left for the station and we went home.
Now we're gonna watch movies and scrubs. And be silly.
Tomorrow I'll finish homework stuff while Kudds is in school, and then we're gonna watch Yes Man (after so much redbull drinking we figured we just have to) and later go into Stockholm central to spend a crazy fucked up night there just because there are no trains from Uppsala to Sthlm so early in the morning and Kudds keeps bugging me that it was really retarded to get a ticket that time, but wtf I got it for 25kr so who cares?!?!
Scrubs is so funny and i never noticed. Also, Burn After Reading is a fucking random movie, but I loved Brad Pitt's character in it, especially the silly dance he does. Funny. And the title rocks. That is what you should do with this blog too. Burn it after reading. All this week, I just realized, I've laughed more than I've done in a really really long time. And even if stupid thoughts are there now and then, they're kinda easier to cope with. It just feels amazing to laugh this much.